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Davis Lake Condominiums has a golf group that plays every Friday at Whiskey Creek Golf Club.  There are approximately 28 to 32 players, female and male, that make up the Davis Lake Golf League.

For more information contact:


Ken Johnson – Golf League Manager


Whiskey Creek Whiskey Creek 2

This letter of understanding is between Davis Lakes (DL) and Whiskey Creek Country Club (WCCC).

DL will be offered the opportunity to play at WCCC from January 2021 through March 2021 Play will be on Friday mornings with the first tee time at 10:30am, which is the same as your signed agreement for 2015. There will be a maximum of 7 tee times allocated to DL.

It will be the responsibility of Dl to notify WCCC no later than 11:00AM on Tuesday morning of each week to inform WCCC as to the number of tee times required.

The fees will be as follows:

18 Holes including cart – $37.00*
9 Holes including cart – $28.00*

*AII fees are plus 6% Florida sales tax. In a recent sales tax audit the state of Florida has advised WCCC that all fees must be plus,sales tax. The above noted fees are only in effect for your contracted scheduled day and time. DLmembers golfing at any other time will be charged the published public rate.

Although WCCC does not anticipate conflicts during the season, should one arise due to WCCC sponsored event, WCCC will make efforts to reschedule DLon that day or on an alternate day that week.

Rain Check Policy: Less than 6 holes completed a 18 hole rain check will be issued, 9 to 15 holes completed a 9 hole rain check will be issued. Rain checks include greens fee and golf cart.

DRESS CODE AND GOLF COURSE CARE: DL agrees to observe the WCCC posted dress code and strictly adhere to rules regarding care of the course.